Did you know that Numbers 1-4 are all about our identity in Christ? Wow! So amazing!

What the Book of Numbers Taught Me about My Identity in Christ

Who knew that the book of Numbers could be so deeply spiritual! Okay, we must admit that God wouldn’t put a book in His holy Word that didn’t have some kind significance for our lives. But all my life I’ve battled with finding the book of Numbers boring. All the lists of people and offerings……

Don't let negativity rob you of all God has in store for you!

How Negativity Robs Me of God’s Blessing

I imagine it was somewhat disappointing at times. They had left Egypt in a state of incredible euphoria. God had dramatically defeated Pharaoh and they walked out of their slavery loaded down with amazing riches. I don’t know if they imagined that they’d walk straight into the Promised land, but I’m certain they never imagined…