Willing: Doing What It Takes- A Book Review + GIVEAWAY!

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For many years now, I have been asking my dad to write his story.

He came from a broken background, had a miraculous conversion, and his ministry has been marked by many miracles, thousands of salvations, and revivals.

I know many of the stories, because either I heard them growing up, or I remember them from my childhood.

But I was afraid that the stories I didn’t yet know, or had forgotten, would get lost; and I didn’t want that to happen. I wanted my children to know their heritage.

I’ll never forget the day my dad told me he had started writing the book. My heart sang!

Then, he sent me the first chapter. I read it and wept. There was so much more that I didn’t know about his story than I realized. I knew it would be a very special book.

Finally, I got the completed manuscript and read. No, I didn’t just read. I devoured it….and wept over and over.

Some tears I wept for his difficult childhood — it broke my heart. Some tears I wept over the tremendous way God used my dad. Other tears I wept as I remembered the indescribable memories from the revival we experienced when I was a child.

Oh – I reflect on those days often, but the way he described those events – well, they just came alive!

My dad is an amazing author and has already written many books. But this book, I have a feeling, will stand above them all. It is such a special volume.

I can’t urge you enough to grab this book. The title is Willing – Doing What It Takes. Get it in paperback, if you can!

Here is a story from my childhood that I often reflect on. I’m not giving you a sneak peek into the book (this story wasn’t in it), but if you want a sneak peek, visit my dad’s post from yesterday. You can find it here: Don’t Be Stingy With God, and He Won’t Be Stingy With You

Willing Book cover

My childhood was by no means usual. That’s not to say it was weird. It wasn’t. It was wonderful, and not usual.

Let me tell a story:

I remember once sitting down to the table with my two siblings and my parents. There were only 3 places set for my sister, my brother, and me. I remember one of us asking, “But mom and dad, what will you eat?”

“Oh, we’re not hungry”, mom said.

But before we finished our meal, we prayed that God would provide food, because there wasn’t enough food for our next meal.

Family picture

We prayed, and before we said amen, the doorbell rang.

As kids do, we didn’t wait for the prayer to be over, we ran to the door and opened it to see which friend had come over to play.

But there was no one there.

We looked all around and saw no one. But sitting next to the door were 4-5 bags filled with groceries!! To this day, I have no idea who that person was.

Thing is, no one outside of the five of us knew about that need. Well, except for God. God knew. And God laid on someone’s heart to bless us that day.

My dad’s book Willing: Doing What It Takes is filled with stories like this one.

While reading his book, I cried….so many memories, like the one I shared now, filled my heart. These are the stories that formed my faith.

They are the stories that formed ME — the person I am today. And I can’t wait to sit with my kids and read them this book….to pass those stories down to another generation.

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This book is available now on Amazon in Kindle and Paperback

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  1. Hi Rosilind,

    Love the story you shared in this blog! I want you to know how often your words of wisdom and comfort have been a “bag of groceries” for my heart, mind, and soul. Thank you, Sister, and I wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas!

  2. I can’t imagine the gift that your dad’s book is to you & your family. I would love to have such a treasure of my parents’ lives. They grew up in very trying circumstances which was one reason they always worked so hard to make sure our childhood was different. Would love to win a copy, but whether I do or not, I do plan to read your dad’s story.

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