Every Wife’s Choice Book Review

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Every Wife's Choice Book Review

I’ll be the first to confess…

I’ve used 1 Corinthians 13 as a weapon against my husband. Both verbally and silently.

Silently in my head as I recounted all the ways he didn’t love me the way it says we’re supposed to love.

Now that I’ve said that, I hope I’m not the only one.

Please don’t leave me hanging on this limb. M’kay?

And then this book – Every Wife’s Choice – came along to remind me that I wont change my husband by reminding him of the ways he’s not living up to Scripture…

…especially because that act alone is an even worse violation because it’s rooted in pride.

I was reminded that perhaps I should take a good hard look inward to see if was loving him the way 1 Corinthians 13 instructs.


Because at the end of the day, we can’t change anyone but ourselves, and when we make the decision to change – at the very least our attitude – usually we find those bothersome things quite so bothersome any longer.


And that’s why Sarah says:

That’s why this book isn’t about marriage. It’s about us.

It’s about the empowering truth of every wife’s choice to live out the love God calls her to, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, regardless of the shape of her marriage


Every Wife’s Choice takes a long, hard look at 1 Corinthians 13 in a way you’ve never looked at it before.

Not only is each chapter detailed with illustrations from Sarah’s own life, but she digs way, way down into every minute detail of each part of this chapter until no stone is left unturned.

She furthermore takes you on a journey to look at the Greek words and grammar, so that we are completely certain we know exactly what Paul was speaking about.

For example, when we get to the word “kind”, she explains there are two words for kind – and reveals which one Paul used…and the answer will surprise you!


Each chapter ends with series of “Digging Deeper” questions in order to maximize the benefit of this incredible book.


Every Wife’s Choice started out as a personal devotional study of 1 Corinthians 13 when Sarah was a new wife. The study spanned several years as she began to delve deeper and deeper into each characteristic, examining the Greek words and how they fit into the context of Scripture.

That study is what makes up the book today.

Video Promo for a little fun as we finish out the last five days to release!! PRE-ORDER for Kindle on Amazon is active NOW!

Posted by Every Wife’s Choice on Thursday, July 16, 2015


This book is not just for new wives, though. Women who have been married for many years will not only find this book helpful, they will find it deeply convicting.

It is so easy to let the characteristics of 1 Corinthians 13 slip the more comfortable we grow in marriage.


Rather than chasing these popular philosophies of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, however, God calls us to champion truth, transformation, and the pursuit of holiness. He calls us to do so in every aspect of our lives, especially marriage.


Sarah Fairchild PictureSarah Fairchild completed her undergraduate degree in biblical studies at Huntington University where she met and married her handsome Marine. While serving in ministry with her husband, Teddy, she pursued graduate coursework in marriage counseling and ministry leadership.

Sarah draws on her diverse experiences in church and secular settings including leadership in women’s and worship ministries, program development for criminal offenders in a state-run rehabilitative program, international missions, and more. She has led bible studies in the church, in her home, in the jail, and on campus in conjunction with her Alma Mater, each time marveling over the way God speaks so powerfully and personally from His Word. Whether preparing for speaking engagements or personal study, Sarah embraces the adventure of digging into Scripture and discovering new elements of God’s transforming truth.”  (if that’s a bit long for you, feel free to truncate it)

Follow Sarah’s blog at Every Wife’s Choice
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  1. Thanks for this review, Rosilind! I love learning about the original Greek because it adds so much depth for me.
    Jen 🙂

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