4 Ways to Cultivate a Thankful Heart When You Don’t Feel Thankful

4 Ways to Cultivate a Thankful Heart When You Don’t Feel Thankful

Have you ever noticed that we don’t naturally live thankfully? Sure, there are the “glass-half-full” people who tend to be more sanguine, and therefore think more positively. But that’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about the fact that we don’t naturally live in a way where we are continually aware of the little…

10 Bible Verses for Thanksgiving – Free Printable

10 Bible Verses for Thanksgiving – Free Printable

Over the past several years, it seems Thanksgiving has been swallowed up by Christmas. For retail, the holiday season begins with Halloween, almost skips right past Thanksgiving, and goes right to Christmas. Thanksgiving is given a small section, that is also considered autumn decore. In my home, I purpose to keep Thanksgiving in November, saving…

10 Bible Verses for Thanksgiving – Bookmark – Free Printable!

10 Bible Verses for Thanksgiving – Bookmark – Free Printable!

Have you ever thought about thanksgiving as a command? I hadn’t until very recently, as I began reading Bible verses about giving thanks. Suddenly, it occurred to me that this is a command of Scripture. A command that comes with a rich reward! We’re specifically commanded to give thanks in all things. But what I…