Building Healthy Relationships Free Mini Course

God made us for relationship.

We weren’t created just to have a relationship with Him, but to also bond and form relationships with those around us; and without a strong circle of friendships we feel empty and lonely.

That is a void that God has chosen not to fill.

Learn how to identify healthy and toxic friendships in your life, as well as how to be a healthy friend to those around you with this free 9-part mini-course. Sign up today! #alittlerandr #frienships #relationships #toxicfriends

We can fill that void with healthy friends that understand the value of giving and taking, and who build us up, encourage us, and challenge us to be better people than we are today.

On the other hand, we can fill that void with toxic friends who only contact us when they need something from us, who fill our lives with drama and gossip, and who leave us feeling depressed and discouraged.

Learn how to identify healthy and toxic friendships in your life, as well as how to be a healthy friend to those around you with this free 9-part mini-course. Sign up today! #alittlerandr #frienships #relationships #toxicfriends

Learning where to invest our time and energy is so important for our own emotional and spiritual health. We must learn to turn off the drama and invest in those relationships that will build us up and challenge us spiritually.

Hi, my name is Rosilind and I am a Bible study leader and author.

I am a student of the Bible and hold an Associates degree in theology. I love God’s Word and I enjoy teaching others how to live their lives for the glory of God, and challenge those around them to deepen their relationship with Him.

As I have prepared this free mini-course on how to build healthy relationships, I have been challenged over and over again to look at my own heart to see if there are areas of toxicity or bad character, so that allow the Holy Spirit to grow and change me into the likeness of Jesus Christ.

The greatest gift I can give is the gift of good friendship, because in doing so, I know I will not only meet deep, heart-felt needs in the lives of my friends, but I will also challenge them to greater spiritual maturity.

Learn how to identify healthy and toxic friendships in your life, as well as how to be a healthy friend to those around you with this free 9-part mini-course. Sign up today! #alittlerandr #frienships #relationships #toxicfriends

In this Building Healthy Relationships Free Mini-Course you will receive 9 power-packed emails that will challenge you to inspect your relationships, as well as your own life, to identify any possible problem areas that need to be adressed.

We examine:

  • How to Surround Yourself With Safe People
  • How to Build Healthy Circles of Frienships
  • How to Identify Toxic Friendships
  • How to Confront Toxic Friends
  • How to Identify Healthy Friends
  • How to Make Room for Healthy Friends
  • Whether or Not Internet Friendships Are Legitimate
  • How to Invest In Those Who Cannot Invest Back

To sign up for this free mini-course, just put your email in the form below.

Please know that this mini-course is 100% free. There is no obligation to buy anything, and you will not be signed up on any other email lists unless you specifically choose to do so.