Does My Battle With Chronic Illness Mean I Lack Faith?

Does My Battle With Chronic Illness Mean I Lack Faith?

If as a Christian, I firmly believe in Christ’s healing power and still battle a chronic illness, do I lack faith? If I believe that Christ’s suffering on the cross purchased my physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual healing, does this mean that I don’t have faith enough to believe that He will heal my chronic…

5 Bible Verses for the Exhausted Woman- Free Download!

5 Bible Verses for the Exhausted Woman- Free Download!

There is a difference between being a tired woman and being an exhausted woman. The feeling of being tired at the end of the day is satisfying. You sleep and wake up refreshed and ready to tackle another day. But weariness and exhaustion isn’t physical. Exhaustion is a soul and spirit weighed down, exhausted, worn…

How to Find Rest as a Christian Woman With Chronic Illness – Episode 31

How to Find Rest as a Christian Woman With Chronic Illness – Episode 31

Today I am continuing with my podcast series on walking with Chronic Illness as a Christian woman, and today’s topic is finding rest. Rest is something that most people struggle with. We have heard the message of work harder, try harder, hustle more. And trying to live up that image that has been fed to…