How to Use Worship As a Spiritual Weapon – FREE DOWNLOAD

How to Use Worship As a Spiritual Weapon – FREE DOWNLOAD

Ephesians 6 tells us about the armor of God and gives us two weapons: God’s Word and prayer. But in Psalm 149, we discover another spiritual weapon: worship. At first glance, it may seem that this chapter is divided into two sections: the section that talks about praise and the section that talks about spiritual…

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5 Ways to Respond When You Feel Under Attack – FREE PRINTABLE!

If there is anything that can be said truthfully about the Christian life it is that there are times when we will come under attack. I know that there are those who present the Christian life as being all rainbows and roses, and it’s unfortunate because those who become saved under those terms will quickly…

How Should Christians Respond When They’re Under Attack?

How Should Christians Respond When They’re Under Attack?

“Hardship is normal Christian living, defeat is abnormal.” – F. Dean Hackett – Foundational No one wants to hear that hardship, spiritual warfare, and coming under attack from our enemy is normal Christian living. Many Christians today were sold a false gospel, being told that coming to Jesus would cure all of their problems. To…