4 Simple Bible Reading Tips For Beginners
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4 Simple Bible Reading Tips For Beginners

Are you confused and wondering where you should start reading in the Bible? Reading your Bible isn’t as hard as you’d think. All you really need are some Bible reading tips to help you get started and soon you’ll realize that the Bible isn’t as overwhelming as it seems. The natural tendency is to start…

3 Goals Every Christian Should Make For the New Year

3 Goals Every Christian Should Make For the New Year

If you’re like me, you’re done making New Year’s Resolutions. A couple of years ago, I realized that I’d even stopped actively making resolutions for the New Year, even though I continued to mentally get up nearly every morning with resolutions in mind for that day. And I still couldn’t keep many of them. Even…

3 Different Types of Bible Studies to Make Your Quiet Time Exciting – Episode #18

3 Different Types of Bible Studies to Make Your Quiet Time Exciting – Episode #18

If you’re wanting to begin a Bible study, but you don’t know where to start, this podcast is for you today! In today’s podcast I talk about 3 different kinds of Bible studies you can do and how to do them. Also, I talk about what our response should be when we realize that what…