FREE – Redeeming the Time Social Media Challenge

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Is social media a struggle for you?

If you’re like me, you say to yourself, “I’m only going to take five minutes to check Facebook” and then 30 minutes later you’re climbing out of the black hole that is your timeline.

Maybe it’s not Facebook.

Maybe it’s Instagram.




There are any number of social apps that keep our eyes glued to our phones while life around us is being neglected.

That is why I am offering a free social media challenge!

Woman leaning against kitchen sink looking at her phone

Paul warned us in Ephesians 5:15-17: “See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.”

In my previous post, I talked about how I am purging social media from my phone.

I shared about the importance of understanding time currency because we are given only so many hours in our life…

hours that are quickly slipping through our fingers while we’re watching ridiculous shorts and reels, sharing unimportant memes, following ungodly celebrities, and reading posts by people we haven’t seen in decades.

These timelines were designed to induce addiction.

They were created to awaken in us FOMO (Fear of Missing Out), a sense that if we stop scrolling, we’ll miss an important post.

Yet, when was the last time you walked away thinking “I’m really glad I didn’t miss that post”?

When was the last time you had a meaningful interaction on social media?

I began to ask myself these questions, and the answers led me to the understanding that social media wasn’t impacting my life in any positive or meaningful ways.

It was, in fact, robbing me of positive and meaningful interactions that I was sacrificing while scrolling.

I almost typed “for the pleasure of scrolling”, but I realize there was no real pleasure in it any longer.

It was simply meaningless. Not pleasureful.

As I have talked about this with others, I’ve come to realize that many others are wanting to break up with social media.

But it’s not easy.

Have you ever tried to do this?

It’s harder than you think!

Which is embarrassing to admit, but I’ve always been the one to boldly say the quiet thing out loud – so here I am announcing to the world that I’ve had trouble breaking up with social media!

It’s like that toxic boyfriend you keep breaking up with, and then getting back together with…

only to remember why you broke up in the first place….so you break up again…

and the cycle continues.

Yea – social media is that toxic 3rd person in my relationships that I’m ready to break up with once and for all.

I’m walking away and not looking back.

Now, I realize that there may be a need to retain a social media account; such as in my case, as I live far away from family and friends.

And that is why I want to do this social media challenge.

FREE – Redeeming the Time Social Media Challenge

In this social media challenge we’ll take inventory of the platforms we use, identify how we use them and if we really need them, and then begin setting boundaries around the ones we choose to keep.

All of these steps will be done through the prism of God’s Word, using Paul’s instruction for redeeming the time.

What you need to know for this challenge:

This challenge is an email challenge, and it begins when you sign up.

You’ll receive an initial email, after which you begin receiving weekly emails until the challenge is complete.

To begin this FREE challenge today, simply type your email in the box below.

I promise not to spam your inbox. I’m truly respectful of those who sign up through my website

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