Run the Race in Your Marriage {Don’t lag behind}

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Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Growing a Godly marriage can be similar to running a great race.  In the beginning, you begin your marriage journey with energy, excitement and great expectation.  There is no doubt, you and your husband are in this race to win.

Then, something happens.   Life.

Children are born, careers are made, homemaking becomes priority.  Not to mention, as the years go by, mistakes are made, and disappointment comes.   Distractions scream from the sidelines and fight for your attention.  Quitting the race may begin to look like an option.  Yes, you can grow weary on this marriage journey.

How do you run this marriage race with endurance and finish the course?  

You and your husband must ask yourselves, “Is Jesus our running partner?”.  

In a biblical marriage, you are running the race of faith.  With Jesus as the head of your marriage, you need Jesus as your running partner.  He runs with you on every side. Hebrews 13: 5 says that He will never leave you or forsake you.  You are never alone.  You have your loving Father cheering you on!

He promises when you both grow tired, He picks you up and carries you.  You shall run and not grow weary (Isaiah 40:31).

When there are bumps or mud on the track, Jesus runs with you right through those obstacles.  There’s no hurdle that God can not overcome.

The Lord gives you water as you grow thirsty.  For He is the living water (John 4:10).  Anyone who drinks of His living water, shall never thirst again.

Most importantly, Jesus shows you where you need to go.  He leads you onto your Holy destination.  There’s no doubt, in your marriage when you trust Jesus to take the lead.

Winners know where they are going, they have a vision and focus on the finish line.  Yet, losers fall behind.

Winning in the race of your marriage is attainable only through Jesus Christ.

You Must Endure.  Humble yourselves and repent of any sinPray together as a couple, read the Word of God together and bless your children.

You Must Persevere.  Quitting is not an option!  Make a commitment to putting the Lord first in your lives so that no matter what trial comes your way, you may finish this marriage journey together.

You Must Keep Your focus on the Author and Finisher of Your FAITH!   All eyes on Jesus.  Through Him, we are victorious champions!  When we finish this life, we win on His track- the narrow way.  (Hebrews 12: 2)

As long as we run the race of faith, with Jesus as our running partner, we will not lag behind.  As husband and wife, you will finish this great race together.   No matter where you are on your marriage race,  Jesus has a plan and purpose for your journey.  He has called you both and in due time, He will exalt you at the finish line.

Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God that He might exalt you in due time.  1 Peter 5: 6 

After all, you are in this race together, one team of three:  Jesus, Wife and Husband!

And isn’t that the point?

Rosenda is the daughter of the King, wife to her college sweetheart Ruben, and homeschool Mama to their little Princess.  She and her husband have a degree in Biblical Studies and have served in Messianic ministry for twenty-one years.  She has been a Beauty Consultant with Mary Kay Cosmetics for 13 years teaching women that true beauty starts in the heart.  At this time, she is on a new journey with her family pastoring their home fellowship in Arizona.  She’s passionate about worship and music writing.  She loves to write for her blog Little Pink Casa to encourage women with biblical teaching and marriage enrichment, as she displays her love for virtuous and gracious homemaking. Little Pink Casa,   Facebook   Pinterest   Google +  YouTube

Additional Resources: visit Today’s Marriage Prayer and cover your marriage in prayer!!

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  1. Great post! I think too many people throw in the towel when it comes to their marriages. Those who stick it out, have stronger, happier marriages.

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