The Girl and the Potter

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She was not an average girl, she was an orphan. It seemed that loss defined her. Loss of parents – loss of homeland. She was a foreigner and her people were not very well accepted.

She may not have been average, but there was nothing significant about her at all. Just a girl who with no parents and no home.


And yet through a series of unusual circumstances, God chose her and her uncle to shape a nation.

This Jewess orphan became queen of Persia, thwarted a plan to annihilate her people, and saved the Jewish people.

Risking her own life in the process, she – an invisible girl – dared to approach the king, not once but twice, in an effort to rescue her people from perishing. She dared to expose the king’s right-hand man – a man he trusted with his life.

Imagine what it must have been like for Esther. She – a slave – married and became queen to the very man who enslaved her people and threatened to annihilate them. I imagine that she not only did not want to marry such a man, but it must have felt like betrayal of her own people.

And yet she did not have a choice.

She was forced to marry this king.

And her uncle uttered the famous words: “Who know whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this.”

God was molding her. Shaping her. Preparing her for the the role she would play in rescuing her people from destruction.

A simple girl. Invisible – she became visible – and her name rings down through the annals of time to 2014 and beyond.

Do you find yourself in circumstances not of your own choosing?

So often the hand of God ordains circumstances we find distasteful because He is preparing us for a greater purpose we don’t yet see. When Esther became queen, she did not know that the heart of Haman was devising a plan to cleanse Persia of the Jewish people.

Just as clay must surrender to the hand of the potter, so we must surrender to the strong and sure hand of God who has a purpose for our life, a vision for our life; a plan that we have yet to see and experience.

And just as that lump of clay doesn’t yet closely resemble the finished product, so He is not yet finished with you.

But now, O LORD, You [are] our Father; We [are] the clay, and You our potter; And all we [are] the work of Your hand” – Isaiah 64:8

Dear readers – while out on an fun excursion with my sister and her family two years ago, my nephews and nieces got to try their hand at pottery.  The wet clay spinning around and covering their hands seemed so picturesque to me – and as I tried to capture some beautiful shots, this verse came to mind.  It took on a whole new meaning for me, watching the sweet creations they were making. The care, the craftsmanship, the effort, – all that goes into one piece of pottery.  And when we think of how much time and care God has put into us – and continues to put into us – how can we not know beyond a shadow of a doubt that He truly loves us!
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  1. Great post! Yes God took such care in forming us! We are all unique and beautiful! 
    Patsy from HeARTworks

  2. Dear Rosalind, It’s seems ironic that I’m writing this on a
    train from Budapest, Hungary to Zagreb, Croatia.  I don’t have internet, but I opened up your
    blog post before the trip so I could read it while traveling. And I’ll paste my
    comment into a comment box when we arrive. So I’m reading your blog and
    thinking of you as I enter Croatia. Thanks for linking this neat post—love the
    photos and the symbolism from Scripture. Thanks for making these verses more
    real to me. I’m praying you have an especially blessed week.

  3. Hi Rosilind, I am visiting from B&BB this week. As a photography, by hobby, I love your photos! You have captured the essence of the clay being molded in my opinion.  I can almost feel it looking at your photos.  I dabble in oven baked clay every so often when the urge hits, so I love that scripture and think of anytime I see clay being molded.  Wonderful post. Blessings.

  4. Great depiction of God’s hand molding and shaping our lives. His continual motion…love the pictures so much. They are perfect for this post. I love your transparent heart! Stopping by from Tell Me the Story.

  5. I LOVE what you have to say about God sometimes placing us in circumstances that are preparing us for a greater purpose that we can’t see… it’s a good perspective to remember!

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