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  1. That was a really great read 🙂 thank you. I found you at from my mountain view manic Monday’s link up. Tara (The Proverbs 31 Sanctuary)

  2. Oh, my! I just posted about Obedience last week, and this week hope to post about “Trust and Obey,” and, soon, Surrender (yielding to God), all as part of how we draw closer to Him. (“Closer” my “one word.”) Same page of truth. (Sylvia R @

  3. Absolutely wonderful sis! It is so true, many people think it is just the praise and worship. A heart of obedience is so beautifully worshipful! Love ya sis! (((hugs)))

  4. I agree…. and I don’t think I even understood singing worship until I was preggo with my second child. Now, when I sing in church, I am overwhelmed with emotion when I think of Christ’s sacrifice. Thanks for this reminder 🙂

  5. Great point. We will not always obey perfectly though, and for that there is grace! But it is true, worship isn’t a song…it’s a way of life!

  6. I really like this definition of worship, Rosilind. Especially this part: “…Because the very word worship implies that we are attributing worth to someone or something…”
    Makes so much sense. Good words, my friend!

  7. Awesome post! So many people really don’t understand this. Surrendering your life, control EVERYTHING and trusting Him completely. TRUST & OBEY

  8. No – not always perfectly. I think that is why God looks at the heart. David didn’t obey perfectly – but he was still a man after God’s own heart, because when he sinned, he repented deeply and fully. That’s what pleased God!

  9. Oh – I’m going to pop over today and read your post!! Thank you for letting me know!

  10. gracelaced says:

    Great post. Worship is more than a feeling, it is a response to the greatness and reverence we have for Christ. We obey because we love who he is, and worship Him because He is worthy!

  11. This is a really thoughtful post. My husband and I used to walk out of church and say, ‘We ought not to feel so ‘good’ but feel convicted. We need to be real in our worship and not hypocritical. How we are at home when no one is there is who we really are. The worship from our hearts is far more important than outward worship when our life reflects the opposite.

    Thanks for linking this up over at WholeHearted Home last Wednesday, Rosalind.

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