5 Bible Verses for the Exhausted Woman- Free Download!

5 Bible Verses for the Exhausted Woman- Free Download!

There is a difference between being a tired woman and being an exhausted woman. The feeling of being tired at the end of the day is satisfying. You sleep and wake up refreshed and ready to tackle another day. But weariness and exhaustion isn’t physical. Exhaustion is a soul and spirit weighed down, exhausted, worn…

Last Minute Easter Week Family Activities {With a Bible Reading Plan}

Last Minute Easter Week Family Activities {With a Bible Reading Plan}

Every year I do special Easter activities with my children. Some years I begin a month in advance, and for 30-40 days we read passages from the Gospels and prophets having to do with the final days of Christ’s ministry, his trial, his death, and resurrection. I will combine this with special activities. They love…