Our Mission Work

Many people who visit our website are not aware of our mission outreach, so we would like to introduce you to our ministry here in Gračec and Zagreb Croatia.

Our Story

We are a family of four, living in the suburbs of Zagreb in a small village roughly 810 years old.

Together we serve in a Pentecostal church in the center of Zagreb called Church of the Full Gospel.

How I Became a Missionary

Read my story here in this newsletter


Our Ministry

Children’s Ministry:

For years, I have both taught and/or coordinated our Sunday School program.

I feel so strongly that our children are given a strong and durable foundation in the Word of God and their faith from the youngest age.

Together with a wonderful team of teachers, we are writing a 4-year program that focuses on character, Old and New Testament surveys, and basic Christian doctrines.

Both of my children serve in our children’s ministries as helpers.


In 2022, our church began to explode. You can read more about the testimony in this newsletter I wrote. It is truly miraculous.

A part of that explosion was that our church suddenly became multilingual and multicultural; creating a need to offer discipleship classes in English.

And I have the joy of teaching those classes.

Many of these are new converts, preparing to be baptized in water; and it is a joy to watch them grow in Christ!

Preaching and speaking:

With the rapid growth of our church in 2022, we found that our auditorium was quickly running out of room.

By the end of 2023, our church’s leadership team began discussing the possibility of moving to double-services on Sundays.

Easter of 2024 launched our first-ever double-services – and it was fabulous!

Our first service is in Croatian, offering Ukrainian translation; and our second service is an international service in English.

I have the privilege of being on the English preaching team. I have also had the honor of being asked to speak for our first-ever women’s conference held in March 2024.

My messages:

Leading worship:

One of the ministries I’ve once again become active in is leading worship.

This is truly a miracle, as it is an answer to a decade-long prayer I’ve prayed that the Lord would heal my voice. You can read my testimony in this newsletter here.

God has placed me in a wonderful team and I have the joy of serving with my older son who plays the drums for this team, as well as the youth worship team.

Home Group

Our prayer has been to begin hosting a home group once a month.

Thus far, we have not been successful, as our area has so few believers. And while our passion is to see people come to Christ through our home group, we also know that it will be a journey.

I hope to share more about that in a newsletter soon.

Please be praying that people will begin attending our home group soon.

Online Women’s Bible Study:

My passion is to come alongside women and help them grow and mature in their relationship with Christ, and that is why I am so honored to have been able to open the Croatian, Bosnian, and Serbia chapter of Good Morning Girls.

But I don’t do that alone.

I have an amazing team of women who translate the materials, make the graphics, and lead our many online groups.

We have 11 groups in Croatia, a group in Serbia, and 4 international groups.

You can read more about this online Bible study here.



The expenses of offering A Little R & R Ministries, as well as the online Bible study, are funded based on the ads on the site, purchases of my Bible studies and books, and donations received.

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