10 Bible Verses to Defeat Insecurity Bookmark – Free Printable

10 Bible Verses to Defeat Insecurity Bookmark – Free Printable

Insecurity is a battle most women have. Everywhere we turn we are bombarded with the message that there is an ideal to which we are measured and found lacking. We’re not skinny enough. We’re not boss babe enough. We’re not successful enough. We’re not a hands-on mom enough. Our home isn’t pretty enough. Our children…

10 Bible Verses for When You Fall into Sin Bookmark – Free Download

10 Bible Verses for When You Fall into Sin Bookmark – Free Download

Every Christian battles sin. Even Paul, in Romans 7, revealed that sin was a battle for him when he said, “For the good that I will to do, I do not do; but the evil I will not to do, that I practice.” In other words, “I’m doing what I shouldn’t do and not doing what I should.” Sound…