4 Reasons Why Christians Should Obey God’s Word

4 Reasons Why Christians Should Obey God’s Word

Why is obedience to God’s Word so important for Christians? If God forgives, wouldn’t He just let the little things slip? Wouldn’t He just “pick His battles”, like our parents do?  Does God really require full obedience all of the time to all of His commands? These are all crucial questions that we, as Christians,…

This Is What Breaks the Power of a Generational Curse

This Is What Breaks the Power of a Generational Curse

If you’re visiting this post, you may be wondering if your family is under a generational curse. Maybe there is a pattern in your lineage of substance abuse, divorce, or infidelity. Perhaps you’ve seen how your grandmother suffered from inferiority or perfectionism, which was passed down your mother, and you recognize those same traits in…