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  1. As I’ve gotten older, the importance of abiding in the Vine has become more real to me. “You will have personal encounters with God that you’ve never experienced before.” – I can testify to that!

    1. Shae Bynes says:

      Amen to that! Isn’t He so good? 🙂

  2. It is so hard at times to just “abide.” We are usually people of action and abiding takes faith that I can’t “fix” my own problems. But when I’ve finally let God have my problems He has amazed me in how He straightens them out. Thanks for the reminder that in abiding I grow. Visiting from Missional Women.

    1. Shae Bynes says:

      Love it, Rebecca! He is amazing like that, isn’t it? Thanks for stopping by 🙂

      1. Shae Bynes says:

        I meant isn’t He 🙂

  3. It was so encouraging to read this. Thanks for sharing. I feel like I’m going thru that transformation right now, God has revealed so many things to me recently that led me to do a complete paradigm shift in my view on how to live faithfully and obediently to the Cross.

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