When You Feel Like Letting Go

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Are you in a difficult season of life right now?

Maybe it seems like trouble keeps coming in waves and you feel like you won’t be able to hold on much longer.

Maybe you feel discouraged, like God isn’t listening to your prayers any longer, and you don’t see any reason to keep praying.

We all go through seasons like this in life – when it seems that life is throwing at us everything it can possibly throw that is negative, discouraging, disheartening — and we’re left feeling disillusioned with this whole Christian walk.

I’ve been there.

I’ve been in that place where I sat in church wondering why I was even there.

  • I didn’t want to be there
  • I looked for every excuse to stay home (and most-often couldn’t find one that was valid)
  • I wasn’t sure that if I stopped showing up if anyone would even notice

I’ve been in that place where I opened my Bible and wondered why I was even reading it.

  • Nothing stood out to me
  • Even old, familiar passages seemed hollow and empty
  • I got up from my devotions feeling sorrowful and even resentful that those precious times I once had with God seemed like a thing of the past

But in the midst of the crushing discouragement and disillusionment that threatened to suffocate me, I knew one thing:

I couldn’t give up.

I couldn’t let go.

To let go would be perilous – because no matter what I felt, and no matter what seemed to be true – there was a solid truth that I could hold on to like a life boat.

You see – the enemy wants to replace the anchored, solid truth of God’s word with flimsy feelings that distort what we see…to make them seem differently than what they really are.

It is in these times of discouragement that we have a choice.

We can listen to the lies our heart is whispering in our ear, or we can trust the truth of God’s Word, that God will never leave nor forsake us.

That season for me didn’t last forever.

I did the right thing, and despite my feelings, I pressed in harder and deeper, and what came out of that time was my first Bible study on 1 Corinthians 13.

It breathed new life in me!

Today, I’d like to invite you to join me as I join with Courtney from Women Living Well/Good Morning Girls for her 13th Annual Making Your Home a Haven Challenge.

I remember the 2nd year she did this challenge, I joined in and it really made a massive difference in the atmosphere of my home.

I’ve done this challenge every year since then.

This year, the theme is Don’t Let Go! Holding onto God When You Feel Like Giving Up.

Join Me for the Fall Slowing Down for Spiritual Growth Bible Study

We will start on October 1, 2022

Where: You can find my private Facebook Group here: Good Morning Girls in the Word

What Do I Need? You can either order the Don’t Let Go workbook from Amazon, or you can visit Good Morning Girls to grab the digital version of this workbook.

What can I expect? Both Courtney and I will be blogging through the study – each on our own blogs.

Each Monday, Courtney will provide resources on her Good Morning Girls blog

Each Wednesday, I’ll be blogging here about what I’m learning through what we’re reading.

Each Friday, Courtney will be sharing a wrap-up of the study for that week.

A Little More About Good Morning Girls and My Groups

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Good Morning Girls is an online Bible study for women. Began by Courtney Joseph in her church, she took the Bible study to the Internet in 2009 and invited ladies all over America to join her in keeping each other accountable to their daily time with the Lord.

Little did she know that this Bible study would extend beyond the borders of America to literally every region of the world!!

In 2014 I joined Courtney, together with my dear friends Misty, Mandy and Bridget, in helping to lead Good Morning Girls. It has been an amazing journey as we’ve watched Good Morning Girls not only grow beyond what we could have dreamed or imagine, but we’ve had the amazing honor to see women’s lives changed by daily digging into God’s Word!

Good Morning Girls is a simple study – we simply read the Bible.

We believe that there is power in the Word of God and the Word of God alone can defeat the enemy. So we read one chapter a day 5 days a week. And we will continue this method until we’ve read through the entire Bible!!

All the materials are free and are available at Women Living Well!

In the summer of 2012 I opened the very first Good Morning Girls group in Croatia.

12 women, all members of my church.

I had no idea where it would lead. But by the following summer it exploded to cover the countries of Croatia, Bosnia and Serbia.

You can read the story here

If you’d like more information about Good Morning Girls Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, you can find our blog here, follow us on Facebook, or message me to join one of our 10 private Facebook study groups.

In 2017, my dear friend Mary and I opened up our first International study group in English. You can find us at Good Morning Girls in the Word

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