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  1. I especially love the verse from Psalm 43 – It’s so good to talk to our souls, to infuse truth into the mess that can live there if we don’t pay attention! This is a wonderfully mindful post!

  2. Great reminder and great encouraging verses! Thanks for sharing!!

  3. This is a wonderful list of truth about JOY! Thanks for sharing it with us. And thank you for being vulnerable. It is difficult to share about tender moments of our lives, but God uses them for His great purposes. I found you via Grace & Truth and I’m glad I did. 🙂

    1. I am so glad you stopped by, and I’m blessed that these promises spoke to your heart.

  4. I’m so sorry for the pain you’ve endured. I, too, have experienced the pain of miscarriage. It takes a long time to rise above that.
    I especially love Heb. 12:2. We need to continually look unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.
    Thank you for sharing this post with us.
    Sending you my love and prayers.

    1. It does take a long time to rise above the pain, but Hebrews 12 (the whole chapter) has been a life line to me.

  5. Love these verses! I have lost a son to miscarriage and struggled with depression and anxiety ever since. Joy doesn’t come easy to me. I have to work for it. Thanks for collecting some verses for me to use. I shared this post with my blog FB group. I think a lot of people can benefit from the hope of these verses.

    1. I pray that these verses will hold and carry you. I am so sorry for your loss. It is such a hard valley to walk through. Thank you for sharing the post.

  6. Thank you for sharing this! I have a child who is two and recently miscarried my second child. God has been teaching me and growing me, but it doesn’t mean it’s easy. I happened upon Good Morning Girls on Pinterest this week and was so excited to see the next study was on Job. And then to see your post… it was definitely God that directed me to this study! I know it’s okay to feel sad, but I also know I need to choose JOY each morning. I will be keeping this list so I can refer back to the verses. Thanks!

    1. I am so sorry for your loss, Nicole, I pray that Lord comfort your heart. I am so very glad you found me and the study!! Please let us know if you have any questions or need anything. May God bless you today!!

  7. So great to bookmark these and come back to again and again when I need a joy boost. Thank you for being open about your own experiences too when life was hard.

  8. These are wonderful. Thank you for sharing them. I struggle with depression a lot. It really peaked for me after I had a miscarriage as well. They are absolutely devastating. This is something I’ve just started to learn: “True joy is supernatural and comes from God.” Thanks for the reminder :).

  9. I love these reminders about joy! We are never promised that life will always be easy, but the Bible does have many good and hopeful things to say about joy.

  10. I honestly believe you can’t know the pain and emptiness of a miscarriage unless one experiences the trauma oneself. I myself have two babies waiting for me in Heaven. I
    didn’t really discuss it with anyone until I finally had a best friend as a adult and it turned out she had suffered one herself. It was like finding a lifeline! Should you need or want to discuss anything under the sun, I find the sincerest relief talking to another mother with heavenly children. Feel free to contact me. It would be a pleasure.

    1. Thank you so much, Kathy. I agree, it is something that is hard to understand until you’ve experienced that level of loss. We do need to have those around us we can talk to, because the burden of pain is too great.

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