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  1. I am so Type A…everything is urgent all at once until I shut down and sit in my pajamas all day. Argh. Going to do some goal setting today and hopefully a little writing.

    1. Oh – I hope it helps, Amanda. I hear you. I do the same thing. I drive myself to a breaking point and then do nothing all day….and the feel guilty for being unproductive. I am learning to say to myself, “LESS IS MORE!” and “Work smarter not harder”. It’s helped a lot!! this way I can take days off that are still mildly productive, and I’m not on the brink of a nervous breakdown all the time.

  2. Hi, I’m so glad I found you on Worshipful Wednesdays. I was immediately drawn to your post because of the title and realised that this was no coincidence. I actually just wrote about God’s yoke being light in the post I added today. I loved when you said “We aren’t nearly as gracious to ourselves and others as God is to us.” I’m certainly thankful for grace in those moments when we miss the mark. Thanks for sharing!

    1. I am so glad you stopped by! I love it when God lays the same thing on people’s hearts and allows us to compliment each other!

  3. I am still working on being able to actually not see all the daily tasks as urgent…. motherhood is a growing up for me more than my kids.


    1. Oh – I know what you mean!! Motherhood has a way of maturing you in ways you otherwise wouldn’t.

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