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  1. Thank you for sharing this beautiful post, I really appreciate it.

    God bless you and your family.

    1. Isn’t it a great one, Jessica? My mom is such a wonderful communicator!

  2. H,i Wanda thanks for sharing all these great practical tips for finding our calling. Discerning when it’s time to push through or let go is not always easy for someone like me but excellent point about doing God’s will does not always bring us accolades or pleasant feelings.

    1. It is hard sometimes, isn’t it? Knowing when it’s the enemy trying to keep us from fulfilling our destiny or when it’s God saying now…it’s not always that simple. This one really spoke to me, too.

  3. This was such a timely word for me, as I’m in a season where the Lord is changing my focus and I’m not yet clear what the new direction is supposed to be. I appreciate the wisdom you shared! Thank you!!

    1. Isn’t this a great one? My mom is such a wonderful communicator. Keep walking in faith. I always remind myself that Esther didn’t know her true destiny until the very moment she was called to step out and fulfill it. Sometimes God reveals it ahead of time, but sometimes He waits until it’s time to step out in faith.

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