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  1. What a thought provoking post Ifeoma! Number 1 is where it all starts! Know your purpose. God created each one of us for a specific purpose and He has us right where He wants us to accomplish His will. Thank you for sharing my friend and may God bless you and yours as you seek to live for Him each day!. Have a wonderful week!

  2. Beautiful words today, Ifeoma! I didn’t realize you were in a season of traveling and now are settling back in. Authenticity is very important to me. Being real in my relationships is what allows me to grow and it also fosters a deeper relationship with God.

    I pray we all reach for who we are and then feel good about sharing this with others. Blessings and welcome home!

  3. So true that God did not call us to conform to this world, Ifeoma. I agree with every tip, but living out no. 5 is a challenge. Being honest with my feelings can be a struggle when I know the other person won’t like what they hear. But I am practicing sandwiching my words with kindness and praying before I speak to help me share my heart. Thank you, Ifeoma, for calling us to live honest before God first and foremost. Sweet blessings to you, friend. : )

  4. I’m sorry to hear about how rough things became for your daughter. Thanks for sharing this. As a daddy to four girls, this is a good reminder to me of how challenging things can get in the teen and pre-teen years. I like your suggestions on living an authentic life. This is exactly how I want to raise my girls–Authentic, caring, and confidant enough to neither bully others, nor be a victim of bullying. I’m sure this is easier said than done. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers this morning as you moved though these new challenges. And thank you for the parenting and authenticity wisdom too.

  5. A wonderful post, Ifeoma! Such truth! Authenticity would save so many hurts – so many broken hearts! Being a woman in this world is difficult. It’s loud and clangy and tells us we are not enough. But if we are grounded in Christ, if He is our anchor – we can rise above the noise and live authentically!
    Blessings, my friend!

  6. Great post about authenticity. Living authentically in this world can be hard, but it is so freeing and so good! You’ve given us some great tips to do that.

  7. Wonderful post reminding us that God made us exactly the way He wants us. Our purpose isn’t for anyone else, and we must be following Him in the way He has called us in order to fulfill His will. Thanks so much for sharing this at Together on Tuesdays 🙂

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