It’s Time to Refresh Your Faith

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Are you in a dry season with your walk with God?

Maybe you open your Bible and read, but are having trouble making sense of the words, or struggling to find how they apply to you.

Perhaps you need something to energize and motivate you to dig into God’s Word with new fervor and renewed passion.

We all go through seasons like that.

The challenge is to get through to the other side of these seasons, and not giving up while we’re in the middle.

There is a great reward for those who endure a dry season of faith; for those who seek diligently for refreshment.

That is why I love Refresh Your Faith, by Lori Hatcher!

Lori says:

The sad little secret in Christian circles is that many of us are bored with our devotional time. We know we shouldn’t feel this way. It’s important to read our Bibles every day. After all, it’s God’s Word, the source of truth, and life, and hope.

I have many readers who have written me and shared with me their frustration over trying to build a consistent daily Bible reading schedule, because they are bored or the Bible feels dry to them.

It is easy, in these times, to focus on what’s familiar while missing out on the unfamiliar verses and stories still waiting to be discovered!

Lori goes on to say:

wrote Refresh Your Faith because I was frustrated by many of the devotionals I read. They seemed to focus on the same basic verses I’d memorized with my children twenty years ago. John 3:16, Romans 8:28, Psalm 23, Matthew 3:5-6. Same with the Bible passages and stories. Don’t misunderstand me. I treasure the familiar verses and stories. I’ve held them close to my heart during some of the darkest times of my life.

But I knew there was more to the Bible than these well-worn favorites.

Do her words echo in your heart somehow?

Maybe you’re reading this and in your heart shouting, “Yes! This is me!I need something fresh, something new….something I’ve never seen before that jumps off of the page…

Something that will help to revive me again!

That was Lori, too. She asked God to give her something fresh from His Word, and he answered her prayer.

Suddenly she began to see things in the Bible she’d never seen before.

Those undiscovered gems, hidden there, waiting to be found and treasured.

Refresh Your Faith is a collection of these precious treasures she discovered while reading through the Bible cover to cover.

Each chapter correlates with a book of the Bible, starting in Genesis and ending in Revelation, uncovering those exciting verses, hidden applications, and faith-steps just waiting to be discovered!

Refresh Your Faith will do more than just refresh you…

It will energize you, it will motivate you to go on your own adventure to discover more hidden treasure that lies within it’s ancient words.

Because the Bible is living, the more treasure we discover, the more there is to discover!

I challenge you to pick up this exciting devotional today, and let it awaken in you a fresh desire for God’s Word…

A fresh excitement for to study and dig out the treasures within it…

A fresh anticipation for what God will show you each day!

You can get Refresh Your Faith today on Amazon, or by clicking the image below.

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One Comment

  1. Thank you so much, Roz, for sharing Refresh Your Faith with your precious blogging community. May God draw you and each of your readers ever closer to His heart. Sending a hug your way!

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