My 30-Day Journey to a Fulfilled Life

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My 30-Day Journey to a Fulfille Life

My 30-Day Journey to a Fulfilled Life, by Dr. Ifeoma  Samuel is a comprehensive devotional that will lead you on a journey to developing and addressing change in every area of our lives.

With topics that target our homes: frugality and decluttering, our bodies: health and eating habits, our soul: mental and emotional health, our character: punctuality, integrity, and diligence, and our spirits: fear, prayer and fasting, and faith – this book will lead you on a path from where you are now to a place where you can target areas of your life that need improvement and then give you the steps necessary to make the changes needed to move forward.

My 30-Day Journal to a Fulfilled Life starts off by looking at where fulfillment ultimately comes from. This is the launching pad that springs you into looking at why we should make resolutions – Ifeoma suggests: “New You Resolutions” – which I love. Because it takes the pressure off of feeling like you have to have a perfect record by January 31st.

She recommends you examine your family values and, but ultimately take your lists to the throne of God and allow Him to craft the final draft.

Once the lists are finalize, we begin the journey of change: starting with the outer man.

I love what she said here about looking at our wardrobe: ” What is inside of you determines yourself worth. Comport yourself as a daughter or son of the Most High God. Don’t let people wonder if indeed you are a Christian. Like the popular cliché, “The way you dress is the way you are addressed”.

Another inspiring quote from the book is, “The difference between where you are now and where you ought to be may be hinged on “information”.” – wow! That is such a simple sentence, but it packs a lot of power!

Each chapter is packed full of great questions and ends with “Food for Thought”.

I highly recommend this book to every Christian woman and encourage them to read it at the start of each new year as a way to allow the Lord to reveal areas in their life that need improvement.

 >>>Purchase My 30-Day Journey to a Fulfilled Life Here<<<

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