Praying for the Persecuted Church

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lady in brown sweater with hands folded, Bible on lap, praying

While in western countries our freedom to worship God the way the Bible commands is being restricted, there are countries around the world where there is no freedom to worship God; where worshipping God results in imprisonment and even death.

We are commanded to pray for our brothers and sister in persecuted countries, because their fight to stay encouraged and strong is harder than we can ever imagine.

In Philippians 1:19-21, we discover that something very special happens when we pray for the persecuted church.

This video is a part of a series of videos I am doing for my new Bible study through the book of Philippians.

In this series, I dig way down deep into verses from the book of Philippians. We will look at the Greek words used in these verses to gain deeper and wider understanding of what Paul wrote to the Philippian church.

In this series, you will see how I portion off my Bible journaling page to make room to:

  1. Write out the verse
  2. Write out the key words
  3. Write the verse out again in my own words

This process is a type of Biblical mediation that I use, often writing the verse back to myself in my own words.

Now, I’m not terribly creative, so my pages aren’t very pretty, but they are useful and my reason for Bible journaling isn’t art expression, but to just really get to know God’s Word on a much deeper level.

To learn more about my method of Bible journaling, you can visit my post here: How to Do Bible Journaling When You’re Not Artistic

So, without further ado, Philippians 1:19-21

Be sure to grab the free printable introduction to my new Philippians Bible study here, as well as chapter 1 of this study. These printables are free and come on beautifully decorative paper.

Chapter 2 will be available December 6. Until then, each Monday I will share a video just like this, highlighting a verse or passage from Philippians 1.

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