The Power of Your Praise

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“Hi, my name is Judah.”

Five simple words from the attorney representing the opposing side as my husband and I stood in front of the courtroom doors.  My husband and I exchanged glances, in awe of what we just heard when the attorney stretched out his hand to introduce himself.

It was a God wink moment that confirmed what we already knew in our hearts which is that everything was going to work in our favor.

Judah shared with us that his client was in agreement with the outcome we desired in the case and that he would let the judge know. We walked into that courtroom and stood before the judge while Judah spoke on our behalf. In less than five minutes and with no words from either mine or my husband’s mouth, the judge gave us a favorable ruling.

Here are three ways to release the power of praise in your life that defeats the enemy and brings victory in impossible circumstances!

I stood there in that courtroom thinking about how just days prior to that moment, I was in my kitchen dancing and singing a song that our church choir wrote about sending out Judah (Hebrew word meaning “praise”) first.

I reflected on the scriptures that my pastor was currently teaching based on 2 Chronicles chapter 20 when the Lord instructed King Jehoshaphat to put the praise team right on the front line of battle rather than the soldiers in the army of Judah. As a result of their praise, their enemies starting fighting amongst themselves, the enemy was defeated, and Judah was victorious.

It was a moment that brought the word of God concerning the power of praise alive for me.

There is tremendous power made available in your praise. If praise released the power of God for the tribe of Judah, for Paul and Silas in the prison cell (Acts 16), and for others as the Old Testament scriptures reveal, then praise certainly releases the power of God now.  God is still the same today and we have a better covenant with better promises.

Here are 3 practical ways to let Judah go up first in your life:

Read the book of Psalms aloud and personalize them.

I heard a pastor once say “Read the Psalms until you find yourself in the scripture.” You will gain fresh insight into His goodness and have powerful words to speak during challenging times. When you focus your heart and mind on His amazing goodness, it creates greater fellowship with Him and helps you put everything in its proper perspective.

Redirect your focus.

When you find yourself spending a bit of time talking about your problems, redirect your words and choose to praise God instead. Your sacrificial praise will take your focus off of self and will behold Him. It will increase your faith in God’s promises in your life and release the power of God in your situation.

Release your destiny.

Begin to praise God in advance for the manifestation of the vision He has given you for your family, career, business, or ministry.  Understand that it is finished and every resource you need has already been accounted for. By praising God now, you are activating faith and supernaturally shaking your prison foundations and releasing your destiny.

Let’s have a heart like David.

“I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.

My soul shall make her boast in the Lord: the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad.”

O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusts in him.” (Reference: Psalm 34)

God sees you. He knows you. He hears you. He delivers you from all of your fears and makes all things beautiful in His time. Keep sending up Judah (your praise) first!


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  1. “Passionate Storytelling” is exactly what I experienced with Shae Bynes’ “The Power of Your Praise!” I feel inspired and enlightened! Not many know the Hebrew meaning of the word “Judah”. It was lovely see the true definition released in this powerful story. Shalom!

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