How You Can Have Peace From the Inside Out

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If there is anything that could be said for 2017, it was drama.

I was surrounded by a lot of drama; from the death of my best friend and aunt, to personal friends fighting very serious health struggles.

I, myself, battled my own health struggles and my oldest son had surgery on his ears.

woman in front of Christmas tree holding hands out

There were times when I am on my knees just crying out for the crazy train to stop and let me off.

There have been times when I felt like the frustration and grief would just completely swallow me up, but there is one thing that has kept me grounded at times when I felt like waves of sorrow would carry me away.

Peace doesn’t come from our circumstances, it comes from the inside out.

Jesus said, “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” John 14:27

Pain and drama are all around us, and none of us will get through this life without facing them.

The question isn’t will we face pain and drama, the question is how will we respond when pain drama come into our lives.

There are two responses we can have when life’s drama threatens to overwhelm us

We can allow drama we are facing to affect our 5 senses (the gossip we hear, the pain we see, etc) and influence our mind, will and emotions.

When we allow drama around us to affect and influence our lives, it blocks the peace of God from keeping our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus:

And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7

If we want to live in the peace that God gives, this is how we need to learn to live:

If we are going to live with peace from the inside out, we must bring our body and soul into submission the Holy Spirit, so that the peace of God in our hearts influences our soul and body, bring His peace into each situation.

As children of God, we can meet difficult circumstances, financial reversals, medical diagnoses, and situations that would devastate anyone with peace in our hearts, unwavering and strong.

This is peace that surpasses all understanding!

It is confounding, because without the Holy Spirit giving us this peace, there is otherwise no way we could face devastation.

Without God’s supernatural peace, we are left to find other sources of peace: alcohol, drugs, sleep, food, gambling, partying, eastern meditation, other religions, and any number of other escapes.

The problem is that every other source of peace is not lasting.

Once the alcohol and drugs wear off; once the thrill of gambling has gone away; once we get up from our bed or the zen atmosphere fades away, our problems are still there….or worse, we have even more problems than we started with.

Peace from the inside out isn’t an escape.

Peace from the inside out allows us to walk through life’s drama and bring God’s peace to it; not escape from it.

Two ways we can start living with peace from the inside out:

1. Daily time with God

Part of walking in supernatural peace is understanding the incredible power of God to sustain us and work miracles in and through our lives.

There is only one way we grow in our understanding of God’s power: Through getting to know Him. We get to know God by spending time with Him reading His Word and in prayer.

2. Take every thought captive

This is also called “renewing the mind”. When we get saved, we have mental defaults that need changing. When life goes sideways we often think things like, “Nothing good even happens to me” or “Life will always be like this, it will never change”.

God wants to exchange that negativity for the truth of His Word. Whenever those old thoughts start telling you how horrible life is or how stupid you are, counteract them with what God’s Word says: “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28 “I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.” Psalm 139:14

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