Bible open on laptop, zoom church meeting

Is This Why There Are More Churches Closing Than Opening in America?

A recent Lifeway Research report revealed that more churches are closing than are being opened. But before we blame this on COVID-19, this report is actually from 2019, a year before restrictions shut church doors and moved us all online. In 2019, 3,000 new churches were started, but 4,500 churches closed. One doesn’t really feel…

How to Find Rest as a Christian Woman With Chronic Illness – Episode 31

How to Find Rest as a Christian Woman With Chronic Illness – Episode 31

Today I am continuing with my podcast series on walking with Chronic Illness as a Christian woman, and today’s topic is finding rest. Rest is something that most people struggle with. We have heard the message of work harder, try harder, hustle more. And trying to live up that image that has been fed to…

How Do I Have Quiet Time as a Mom or Grandma of Small Children_

How Do I Have Quiet Time as a Mom or Grandma of Small Children? Episode #29

This is a question I get a lot in my email and social media. It’s hard having a consistent quiet time when our kids are small, because you never know when you’ll be interrupted, and when you’ll be able to get back to your quiet time. If ever. What’s worse, the enemy takes advantage of…

How Do I Invest in My Relationship With God While I’m Single? – Episode 28

How Do I Invest in My Relationship With God While I’m Single? – Episode 28

Today’s podcast is not only for single people. I sincerely hope that my married sisters will listen to this podcast today, because I want to help the whole body of Christ understand how both single and married members of the body can and should work seamlessly together in creating a beautiful, functioning body that honors…

person with question marks above head

How Big Is Your God?

We are created for worship; and because of that, all mankind defaults to worship of someone or something. It is inescapable. Even those who claim to not worship any god, still engage in worship; worshiping their own ideas and philosophies. So much of our response to life, circumstances, and crises depends on how big our…