person sitting with head in hands while enemies point fingers

This Is What to Do When the Enemy Lies to You – FREE PRINTABLE!

Has the enemy been lying to you lately? Has he been confirming your worst fears one by one? This is how he works, you know. He takes our worst fears and confirms them, embellishing them until they seem so terrible we almost can’t stand it. Winston Churchill once said, “In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always…

Why Renewing Your Mind Is Essential for Quality Devotions – Episode 25

Why Renewing Your Mind Is Essential for Quality Devotions – Episode 25

Today I’m answering a reader question that has three parts. I contemplated breaking this one up into three podcasts, but decided against it, because I realized the value in connecting them all under one umbrella in the end. The final few minutes of this podcast shows how all three parts work together to draw out…

How We Can Prepare for the Last Days Before Christ’s Return

How We Can Prepare for the Last Days Before Christ’s Return

I was raised in a pastor’s home – so this means I have been surrounded by Christians my entire life. And being surrounded by Christians means that the topic of the last days has been one that I’ve heard discussed and preached from every angle. From hell, fire, and brimstone to “greasy grace” – ensuring…