How To Create Bible Journaling Art Using Coloring Pages

How To Create Bible Journaling Art Using Coloring Pages

Coloring pages are amazing tools for creating beautiful Bible journaling art. In this workshop, you will learn how to bring your artwork to the next level. I have been sharing about how to create beautiful Bible journaling art when you aren’t even artistic at all. God created you for the purpose of praising and glorifying…

2 Easy Quiet Time Tools for Christmas
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2 Easy Quiet Time Tools for Christmas

Somehow I think that the words “quiet time” and “Christmas” this year are going to be an oxymoron. Between my husband’s work shifts and my children’s school schedules, it’s already looking like this year is going to be crazy As I shared in my post 5 Ways Busy Moms Can Have a Meaningful Christmas, just…

Simple Bible Journaling Techniques When You’re Not Overly Artistic

Simple Bible Journaling Techniques When You’re Not Overly Artistic

If you are new to Bible journaling, you might find these simple techniques essential. Since I had to figure how to draw by trial-and-error, I thought these techniques would be just what you need! You might be thinking that you’re not artistic either! Even the word ‘technique’ might be scary. Is there something deep in…