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  1. I just started reading a contemporary version of Bonhoeffer’s Cost of Discipleship. I’m enthralled. I never read this before.

  2. Thanks for hosting another great party! I will come back later this afternoon to check out some of the other awesome sites!

  3. I’ve only heard of a few of these books and have only read one (Women Living Well) which I loved. I have ‘The Heavenly Man’ and I just picked up ‘The Virtuous Life of a Christ-Centered Wife.’ Will have to look up the others. : )

    Thanks for the recommendations and for your link-up!

    1. Aren’t they great books?? My husband especially likes The Heavenly Man.

  4. I’m not much of a non-fiction reader, but these titles look intriguing for sure. Are any of these titles absolute, number 1 on your list that you’d suggest reading first? Thanks for sharing, and thanks for hosting as well! 🙂

    1. I think #1 is Release of the Spirit. I have read it many times, and need to read it again.

  5. Thanks for sharing this book list, Rosilind! I loved Women Living Well! I’m currently reading Growing Up Duggar and The Ministry of Intercessory Prayer by Andrew Murray.

  6. Thank you for sharing this list – I don’t know that I’ve read any of these books. I’ll have to check some of them out!
    Thank you for joining us at Grace & Truth.

  7. Sara Reimers says:

    This is a great list! I would add pretty much anything by C.S. Lewis or Philip Yancey (especially ‘Disappointment With God.’)! There are some books on this list I have not read yet… I will have to check them out!

  8. Heard of some of these, but not all!

    Thanks so much for sharing on this week’s Mom 2 Mom Link Up Party! Hope you come join us again soon 🙂

    Rachael @ Diamonds in the Rough

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