This Is What Breaks the Power of a Generational Curse

This Is What Breaks the Power of a Generational Curse

If you’re visiting this post, you may be wondering if your family is under a generational curse. Maybe there is a pattern in your lineage of substance abuse, divorce, or infidelity. Perhaps you’ve seen how your grandmother suffered from inferiority or perfectionism, which was passed down your mother, and you recognize those same traits in…

What Does It Mean To Be Born Again?

What Does It Mean To Be Born Again?

In Christian circles, we have these terms we sometimes call “Christianeze”. Basically, it’s a lingo that Christians use and that non-Christians most times don’t understand….or misunderstand. One of those terms is “born again”. This isn’t anything new. Actually, in John 3 we see that Jesus used this very term and confused the person He was…

3 Practical Tips To Reach Your Goals This Year

3 Practical Tips To Reach Your Goals This Year

A few years ago I abandoned the practice of creating New Year’s Resolutions and began making goals instead. This decision completely revolutionized my outlook on the New Year and my efforts to move forward toward becoming everything God wanted me to be. It was no longer a quest for perfection, it was an journey to…

50+ Gift Ideas and Resources That Teach Missions

50+ Gift Ideas and Resources That Teach Missions

When most of my friends were gathered around the TV after dinner, we gathered in the living room – each with a quiet toy – eagerly anticipating the adventure that awaited us! Would it be Jonathan and Rosalind Goforth fleeing across China during the during the Boxer Rebellion? George Mueller seeing miracle after miracle in…