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  1. Elizabeth Lynn says:

    Thanks! I’ve been trying to live up to a false standard for many years, it’s just recently I’ve begun to break through on this. It has, on more than one occasion, caused me to temporarily give up in frustration. The next step is to get Christians to stop judging each other by false standards. That causes more pain than you can imagine. Love your and your father’s writings.

  2. I can relate to this so much because I was raised in a church where you had to perform to get God’s love and women had no voice in church at all. I am so grateful for your blog.. It has helped to understand that God love’s me not for performance that his son came for me to set me free from sin and death which leads to eternal life. I am starting to have a relationship with God and learning to be lead by the spirit. I need prayer where I can find a church who allow women to help in it. Our society have taught some men that women do not know how to take care of themselves. I wish you will and God bless you and your family Susan

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