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  1. Lourdes Velandia Calderon says:

    Hello Rosalind,
    This is something I want to put on memory cards for me to see! Thank you for reminding me that the adversary wants to steal my joy.

    Wantey to share a verse I practice memorizing via singing. Do you know if it has to do with joy? A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.
    Proverbs 17:22 KJV

    God bless! ?

    1. I love that verse! Yes! Definitely it has to do with joy, and how living in God’s joy gives health to our physical bodies as well as to our spirit.

  2. Thank you for this reminder ! My husband was diagnosed with cancer about two mo ago an it has felt at times when I’m left without joy . But I know my joy comes from the lord an the enemy can not take what we got unless we let him. Thanks for sharing . I will be looking at these again.

    1. Oh my. That kind of news really rocks your world. I pray these verses encourage your heart. Please remember, that sorrow and grief isn’t the absence of joy and sometimes joy isn’t felt as happiness, but is a strong assurance that God is still with you. Even Jesus grieved and wept.

    2. Please try Keto or carnivore and intermediate fasting it has cured cancer in many people!

      1. Yes – I engage in health fasting on a regular basis – and follow a ketogenic way of eating. It’s been one of the best things I’ve done for my health.

  3. Stephen mack says:

    Hi Rosilind.

    Great job on the post on joy being commanded for the Lord’s people. Just a note to mention that there is a slight scripture reference mistake, in the post from:

    The passage you listed as Zephaniah 3:19 is actually 3:15.

    God bless.
    Stephen Mack
    ps. I am a missionary in N Africa

  4. Thanks for the message. It is awesome and encouraging.

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