New Ephesians Study Coming Soon

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I haven’t been around much lately, I know.

I have been working very hard behind the scenes getting a new study prepared for you, that I am excited about! I can’t wait to reveal what is in store!

Here’s the thing:

I had intended on revealing the Ephesians study today so we could get started on Monday studying through the Book of Ephesians over the month of July.

But can I admit something?

I’m only through chapter 4.

Honestly, the book of Ephesians is detailed, it’s deep. There is so much packed in those 6 chapters; and since I’ve never done a formal study of the book (though I have read it many times and it is one of my favorite books of the Bible), I didn’t realize just how much I’d skimmed over before.

To give you an idea: I have written 11 blog posts on four chapters alone. Goodness knows how many posts they’ll be by the time I’m done with the whole book.

So, here’s what I am going to do:

When will the study begin?

I need time to finish my study, write the remaining material, edit it, and add the study questions.

Originally I had planned on including the material I had written in January on my identity in Christ. I may still add some, but this whole study is going in a totally different direction than I had thought.

I have decided to begin the study July 17 so that it will run to the end of August.

What will the study include?

When you purchase the Ephesians study manual, which will include my written material on the book of Ephesians and study questions at the end of each chapter, you will receive for free my 30 Day Prayer Challenge on Ephesians as a separate download.

You will also receive this free printable Quiet Time With Jesus printable to use each day in your study.

Wow! I wish I had had this Quiet Time worksheet years ago! Such a simple way of taking my daily Bible reading to a whole new level with questions that make me think more deeply about what I'm reading each day.

Is there a free printable Challenge this month?

There is no new printable challenge this month, however I am making my Prayer Challenge for My Identity in Christ available again this month.

Also, I am making available this new free prayer journal printable you can use each day in prayer.

I love this prayer journal worksheet! It really helps me slow down and focus on praying, plus it doesn't take a lot of time. Perfect way to make prayer meaningful in my busy life.

You can get both of these right in your inbox when you type your email in below. If you’re already a subscriber, you should have already received an email from me.

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Thank you!

I want to take a few minutes and just thank you, my readers, for being patient with me this month and being gracious with these new changes here at A Little R & R.

I can’t tell you how grateful I am that you have given me the opportunity to take some time to do this in-depth study.

Studying Galatians and Ephesians this way has been the most life-changing experience in my Christian walk. I am seeing God’s Word in a whole new way as I literally study verse-by-verse through these books.

My plan is to launch Philippians in September and once I get through Colossians, I’d like to work on 1 & 2 Peter – offering a free prayer challenge through each of those books along with the study.

One last thing

I would like some feedback from you:

Did you enjoy the posts on Galatians?

Are studies like this something you find helpful to you?

Will you find these free Bible study and prayer printables helpful to you?

While the Bible study workbooks will be for sale, because they do take a lot of time to make, I do try to keep the cost low. The actual written material will be put into blog posts, but what you get in the workbooks that you wont get on the blog are the study questions that help you take the written material deeper.

I hope you will enjoy Ephesians as much as I am enjoying writing it out.

And I can’t wait to get started in two weeks with you!

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