Learn How to Pray Through The Lord’s Prayer

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Are you satisfied with your prayer life?

If you’re like most Christians, the answer is no.

Most Christians would say their prayer life is ineffective, inconsistent, unsatisfying, and basically a list of requests they make of God, but lacks true communication and communion.

It is time to create a prayer strategy that will help you pray powerful, effective prayers!

“The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” James 5:16

Prayer has always been one of the Christian disciplines I’ve struggled with most.

I have a great propensity to over-complicate very simple things, and prayer is definitely an area of my life I’ve made more complicated than I should have.

I take great comfort in my struggle with prayer, because as we read the gospels we see that even the disciples struggled in this very important area of their faith.

In Luke 11 the disciples came to Jesus and said, “Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples.”

Jesus’ response to them wasn’t to preach a 5-hour sermon on prayer with all it’s nuances. Jesus simply gave them a formula to follow.

It’s called The Lord’s Prayer, but what it really should be called is, “The Disciples Prayer”, because this isn’t a prayer Jesus actually prayed. The Lord’s Prayer is really a prayer strategy that Jesus gave His disciples.

In fact, The Lord’s Prayer isn’t a rote prayer, it is a mini-course in how to pray!

When this revelation hit home for me, it revolutionized how I prayed. Suddenly the strategy of prayer, how I can pray effective and fervent prayers, and what I should pray for became so simple!

To help make it even easier, I put together a simple prayer journal with sections for each part of The Lord’s Prayer.

This kept me organized and helped me not to forget the people for whom I had promised to pray.

Join me for this 10-day Bible study in learning how to pray through The Lord’s Prayer.

When: We will start on March 15

Where: You can find my private Facebook Group here: Good Morning Girls in the Word

I also have Good Morning Girls’ groups on Mewe, Gracebook, and Gab

What Do I Need? Your Bible, a notebook, and the free prayer journal available in the groups.

What can I expect? Discussion will take place in the groups as we read a verse or passage each day about prayer, as well as focusing in on one part of the Lord’s Prayer each day

Each Wednesday and Friday, I’ll be sharing a blog post about prayer

Also, invite a friend.

Let them know how they can join this life-changing study about how Jesus taught us to pray!

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