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  1. What a wonderfully encouraging post! i was so challenged by Craig’s advice, as my family and I walk through a season of such drastic change. So thankful you shared this with us, Rosalind. May God bless you and may He bless Craig in his ministry dreams for his area.

  2. I really loved this guest post, it came at a perfect time for me. I’m in a season of many changes. I visited Spokane last November. I fell in love with nature there. Have a beautiful day!

  3. This is very much on target! Those of us who are older (I’m 72!) come to realize that transitions will be a part of our lives always in this life and those transitions are key places where we often learn and grow in our maturity in Christ and relationships. We begin to sort out what is really important and what matters less then we originally thought. Unquestionably, our responses to the transitions often make a big difference in what the next season looks like for us. Thanks for sharing!

    1. “our responses to the transitions often make a big difference in what the next season looks like for us.” I agree 100%!!

  4. So many people are talking about seasons at the moment and staying in tune with them, and also the Jewish calendar to see what God is doing. One resource I love for this as God shows her a lot of strategy for the seasons that we are in and we have found it very helpful in knowing how to pray.

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