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  1. Rosilind, keep up the writing, it is encouraging to know there those who continue to speak in truth. Hopefully you will find it encouraging that our pastor is one who will not let culture dictate our beliefs but that he will continue to teach the truths of the bible. You are doing the right thing, we can’t be silent.

  2. Hello, I must say AMEN as we are seeing so many lies and deception in the church and it is just being accepted and the gospel is being watered down! Thanks for speaking the truth! Please email me with your home page address as when you moved your blog address it would not loan up on my sidebar! Thanks, Roxy

  3. Dear Rosalind,
    You have stated the issue clearly. Feelings cannot be the source of truth. I, too, am concerned about the church and praying for revival.

  4. You might like the Facebook page, Women Speak for Themselves. The group began in protest to HHS mandates for contraceptives that actually are abortive. They are now focused on religious freedom and speaking up with truth.

    1. I will search for it. Thank you! And yes – we must pray for revival!!

  5. Excellent verses. God’s Word is true, and those who prefer their own “wisdom” or “feelings” deceive themselves. The heart is deceitfully wicked. Linked up with you at Grace & Truth — hope you’ll stop by Saved by Grace for a visit!

    God bless,

    1. Thank you for your encouragement, Laurie! Yes – those who follow their own wisdom and feelings are walking in deception!!

  6. Dear Rosilind,
    You obviously have a heart for God’s truth. I understand exactly how you feel. There is all this false teaching that’s going on in the Church… I am so sad at the state of the church. There is a remnant that will only accept God’s word and I thank God that I am part of that remnant. And I pray that I continue . I have been researching what other christians are saying about this abomination. One Pastor said he is not worried about it because the Constitution is protecting him. You see, I have a problem with that, because this is not about him. It is about God Almighty. People are being lied to and being led to the slaughter. Someone has to stand for righteousness. And the problem is the church has been quiet for too long. It’s like we have embraced sin. Thank you for standing up for righteousness. Matthew 7 :21 -23 21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’

    1. Oh Trish, yes I do. I have such a passion for truth. And I am grieved by what I see going on.

      I have a problem with what that pastor said, too, because first of all one Supreme Court Justice (and one former one) both said that the decision wont protect pastors. But it’s not about that, in the end. the decision is only a reflection of how weak the church’s influence is in the world today!

  7. This is a good word, Rosalind. I am so troubled by so many believers who don’t believe the bible, the WHOLE bible, is the inerrant word of God.

    1. I do too!! It is a very dangerous ground to start treading on.

  8. My friends, members of the church are falling apart and failing to completely stand on the word of God. It is in this time that we realize which friends believe the authority of Scripture and which don t, and for a lot of us that s heartbreaking.

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