Forget Everything You’ve Ever Believed About God’s Favor

Forget Everything You’ve Ever Believed About God’s Favor

Do you know why salvation is so hard for people to understand? Because it’s based in a completely different culture. Our culture understands investment and returns. Our culture understands decisions and consequences. It understands labor and wages. But it doesn’t understand grace and undeserved favor. In fact, many find these ideas humiliating, because we are…

8 Bible Verses to Defeat Condemnation

8 Bible Verses to Defeat Condemnation – Free Download

Have you ever grabbed your Bible and prayer notebook, sat down, and suddenly felt you weren’t good enough to pray? Maybe it’s been a while since you’ve really prayed or read your Bible. A good long while. Maybe just yesterday you blew it and did something you know offended God, and now you feel totally…

4 Things to Remember When You Feel Discouraged

4 Things to Remember When You Feel Discouraged

The other day I heard about some families who had purchased condos in a building that hadn’t yet been completed. The top floor remained unfinished because the building project had failed. But the problem continued when it started to rain.  Because the top floor wasn’t completed, the ceilings in the floor beneath it were not…

3 Things Not to Say to Someone in Depression {and what to say instead}

3 Things Not to Say to Someone in Depression {and what to say instead}

Sometimes its hard to be a Christian Christianity is a balancing act of being an example of Christ’s life in us and honesty. It’s not easy to balance these two things, because its not sincere to act like we don’t have real problems, but it is not a good testimony when the world doesn’t see…