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  1. Enjoyed the party. Thank you for hosting. Great content here today.

  2. Thanks for hosting and sharing about Job. Loved the example of the unfinished condo! How often do we run on ahead thinking everything is going to work out right?!

  3. Thanks so much for hosting! I love this post! About God’s power, I always tell the kids in my class “Aren’t we glad God doesn’t work like that today?” when I teach different lessons like Ananias & Sapphira!

  4. Hey Rosilind,
    Thank you for this reminder that God is bigger than the messiness of life, and that all of the injustices in the world, are still in His loving hands. Thank you for hosting another great link-up to. Wishing you a blessed week!

  5. Oh…I’m certainly in the feeling of “I’m being tested”. Admittedly, I sometimes drift to the thought of perhaps I’m being punished. Your post reminded me to go with my first instinct. Thanks…it was timely.

  6. Amen, Rosalind! There are so many opportunities to apply this good word you posted! Thanks much! Thanks as well for the linkup which allows us to develop a community online of many we may never meet in this lifetime and yet will encourage and enrich our lives!

  7. Thank you Rosalind, this was a really encouraging post. Also, my husband has just finished reading Job to the family, so it was good to see these points picked out 🙂

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