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  1. I love what you said here “It is in those times of great weakness that He becomes our strength!” This is so true. We will always find Him to be faithful and to get us through, we just need to remember to rely on His strength instead of our own. I can’t tell you how many times I find myself trying something in my own strength, instead of relying on Him to do it. We can’t “bother” God. We are never a bother to Him!

    I would love to have you join us on Monday for my “Making Your Home Sing Monday” linky party sometime. Just a thought! 🙂

  2. I
    love what you said here “It is in those times of great weakness that He
    becomes our strength!” This is so true. We will always find Him to be
    faithful and to get us through, we just need to remember to rely on His
    strength instead of our own. I can’t tell you how many times I find
    myself trying something in my own strength, instead of relying on Him to
    do it. We can’t “bother” God. We are never a bother to Him!

    I would love to have you join us on Monday for my “Making Your Home Sing Monday” linky party sometime. Just a thought! 🙂

  3. This is very strange. I made the bottom comment but for some reason it linked to a profile picture that’s not me. It won’t let me delete it either. So I copied what I said and redid it and my profile showed up.

  4. Mary Redo says:

    What a vivid portrait of John the Baptist, he certainly followed God’s path to the death. Thankful for such Bible heroes to encourage us as we follow Him.


  5. I had shivers reading your post. Thank you for linking up at Motivation Monday.

  6. Nan – for some reason Disqus often puts my picture next to people’s comments. I don’t know why.

  7. Amen!!! I often find myself doing the same thing! I am so sorry – I just realized that you had invited me to join your link up party! I will certainly do this next Monday. (please forgive me – I get behind in my comments sometimes!)

  8. Oh, I didn’t realize it was your picture. I’m glad. I was concerned that the other person (whose picture it was) would be annoyed, lol!
    Subject: [alittlernr] Re: A Little R & R: Then When I Am Weak

  9. Hazel Moon says:

    This was a vivid picture of John and his thought and “doubts” It is not wrong to doubt for a short time, then we pull in the reigns and straighten up and say, “I believe.”

  10. Wow….that was wonderful. You’re such a great writer and that was a beautiful message!

  11. wonderful example of how we need to ponder over scripture and allow the words to touch us personally… thanks for sharing with Salt & Light!


  12. More than one person has asked “Who are you really.” John asked, his disciples also asked and at times we might ask as well. May we seek the REAL Jesus and allow him to flood us so full with his Glory that we shall KNOW without a doubt who He is. Thank you for sharing your lovely post with us here at “Tell Me a Story.” At:

  13. Joanne Norton says:

    Good thinking and good spiritual sharing. Really good and helps so many reaffirm the situations that were strong then and can be strong, in one way or another, now. Thank you.

  14. Yes – the key is to rely on His strength in those times that are hard. He is so faithful.

  15. Yes!! I think we often miss so much by quickly skimming the words and going on with our day. The Word is living – so it ever deepens…and the deeper we go, the deeper it becomes.

  16. Beautiful! What a wonderful picture of God’s grace and love for us. God really isn’t afraid of our doubts. I’ve been learning so much about how He is perfectly capable of loving us through our weakness. We try so hard to pretend like we have it all together. But… He knows better AND He loves us anyway.

  17. Thank you, Carissa. I think we really struggle with understanding the “perfect-ness” of His love, because our’s is so imperfect.

  18. Thank you!! I too feel that way many times!

  19. Thank you once again for being faithful to your calling.

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