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  1. Shelley Collison says:

    Rosilind, that was an excellent post. Maybe you could write one regarding watching movies that take the Lord’s Name in vain. There are so many movies that do nowadays. It’s disturbing.

    Shelley Collison

    1. Yes it is. I do plan to write a post on that very soon. It has been on my heart to write on movie standards for a while now.

  2. Just found this post cleaning out my email. Thank you for writing out a thoughtful response. I agree. I refused to see The Shack for similar reasons. It wasn’t Biblical. I couldn’t believe how many of my Christian friends applauded that movie. I was attacked for taking a Biblical stand against it and for being judgmental. Thank you for your courage. Very few know their Bibles well enough to see error and then take a stand to refute.

    1. Yes, I agree with you on the Shack, as well. I also was dismayed at the number of Christians who loved the book and the movie. There is a remarkable ignorance of the Word in the body of Christ today, which is ironic given the fact that we have access to the Bible in every translation as well as trusted commentary and Bible aids all for free online. We are most certainly without excuse…. but as Paul said, they do not have a love for the truth, so God has given them over to a great delusion. And it is tragic to watch those who were once great men and women of God fall into that delusion. We are most certainly living in the last of the last days.

  3. I hadn’t heard of the book or movie, but I’m saddened to hear the descriptions and read the reviews. We expect the world to have skewed values and we know we have to be cautious in our choices, but we expect people who label themselves “Christian” to be and do better. I guess we shouldn’t be surprised though, “… for Satan himself keeps disguising himself as an angel of light.” (2 Cor. 11:14) If they thought this was a way to reach nonbelievers, how would they see the difference if Christian and secular movies are the same? As you implied in your other article on compromise, compromise never achieves the goal of lifting the one in need, it only drags down the one that thinks they are helping.
    Stay Strong

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