5 Keys to Contentment – Its a Journey

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This is a six-part series based on this list by Ella Spees as found in the book by Linda Dillow: “Lord Calm My Anxious Heart.”

Its a Journey

We’ve been looking at this list by Ella Speers, the 5 Keys to Contentment in a search to find true contentment in life.
I sincerely hope that you have enjoyed, treasured, taken to heart, and even begun employing these keys.
Never allow yourself to complain about anything – not even the weather

Never picture yourself in any other circumstance or someplace else

Never compare your lot with another’s

Never allow yourself to wish this or that had been otherwise

Never dwell on tomorrow – remember that tomorrow is God’s, not ours.

By following these 5 keys we will find ourselves happier and more at rest, and when mamma is happy the whole home is happy!!  When we find our contentment and joy in Jesus we share that with our children, create an atmosphere of joy and peace, and are free to give to our husband’s needs without criticism and judgement.  
In short, we set ourselves free, and are then able to free those around us of our expectations and greedy desires!

If you don’t measure up, don’t get discouraged.  Neither do I.  It is a journey and the journey is more important than the destination, for on the journey we discover so much about ourselves, about God and His grace, and so many lessons along the path.

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  1. Oh…I am going to have to even perfect the first one on this list ! No complaints 😀 Thanks for linking up Roz.

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