5 Day Quiet Time Journal – the Bible – FREE PRINTABLE

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Even though reading God’s Word daily is one of the most basic Christian disciplines, it is also one of the hardest we do on a consistent basis.

If in juggling everything you have to do in a day, you find yourself putting off your daily Bible reading, only to find that you never seem to get around to actually doing it, you’re not alone.

So many Christians struggle with this Christian discipline.

person praying with Bible on lap

Reading God’s Word is far more than just showing God that we want to spend time with Him each day.

It is the act of feeding our spirit the essential nutrients it needs to thrive.

Furthermore, it cleanses our spirit and renews our mind, by capturing those unregenerate thoughts and thinking patterns and transforming them into the thoughts and thinking patterns that align with God’s Word.

This can only happen as we read, study, and meditate on God’s Word.

In these 5 Day Quiet Time Journals for the Bible, you will find 5 different Scripture verses or passages about the importance of God’s Word in our lives.

This journal includes colorful journaling pages that offer space for you to write out each verse or passage, space to write out how each verse or passage speaks to your life personally, and an area to write out a prayer to God regarding that verse or passage.

Also, on the following page, you have meditation questions that help you think more deeply about what each verse or passage is saying to you.

You can download your free 5 Day Quiet Time Journals for the Bible today when you type in your email below.

There are two sets – each set has different verses and questions in them, so feel free to grab both if you’d like!

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