Mind the Gap by Erynn Mangum Book Review

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Have you ever reached the end of a book and felt so sad, wishing it would just keep going and never end? Well, that’s exactly the feeling I had when I reached the final page of Mind the Gap, by Erynn Mangum.

Truth be told, that’s how I usually feel when I read a new book by her. If you’ve never read a book by her, you are definitely missing out.

Erynn Mangum’s writing style is filled with lots of wit, pop-culture references, and light-hearted sarcasm perfectly balanced with biblical lessons that address the issues most of us face, and just enough tug of your heart strings sprinkled in to give her books depth.

I have read every book by her…a few times.

That’s why, when she announced her upcoming release of Mind the Gap (the Kindle version released September 30th, paperback version TBA), I knew I’d have to not only review it here on my blog, but do a giveaway as well.

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My Review of Mind the Gap

Mind the Gap takes place in London.

Kate Macon joins her gran for a trip to visit London. The trip that was meant to honor her late grandfather’s unfulfilled desire to visit London turns out to be so much more.

As she visits the historic sites, she is forced to also look at those things in her heart that have been holding her back from truly embracing all that God has in store for her.

As in all of her books, Mind the Gap is more than just a Christian rom-com. She weaves a biblical life lesson throughout and helps us see the victorious life God wants us to live as His children.

This book goes further than any book Erynn has written until now. You are taken on a wonderful tour of the sights, sounds, tastes, and smells of London. You feel like you are right there with Kate, Gran, and Oliver visiting London Bridge, the Jane Austen museum, Abbey Road….and so much more!

While reading Mind the Gap, there were moments that I was laughing so hard, I had to stuff a pillow in my mouth to keep from waking the family.

And yet, there were moments when I felt the same conviction that Kate felt as Gran and Oliver helped her to see the truth of Psalm 37.

But before the book was over, tears were running down my face….and I won’t tell you why because spoilers aren’t nice!

Giveaway Deets

First, if you don’t want to wait to get your own copy of Mind the Gap, you can get it delivered to your Kindle instantly by clicking this link or the image below: Mind the Gap, by Erynn Mangum.

Also, there will be more giveaways coming up, so be sure to follow me on any of the social media on this page to be notified of the details.

Now for the giveaway!

I am giving away 2 Kindle version copies of Mind the Gap!

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