Learning to Love the Body of Christ with God’s Love

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3 girls taking a picture together

I’ll be honest, there are brothers in sister in Christ that I love, but I don’t like. Do you get what I mean?There are people whom we love Do you get what I mean?

There are people whom we love.

They are family members, cousins, aunts, uncles….but we don’t like them.

We wouldn’t ever voluntarily spend the day shopping with them….or endless hours chatting over a cup of coffee.

Actually, we would much rather have a root canal than do that.

We love them, but we don’t like them. We love them because we’re commanded to, but Jesus didn’t command us to like everyone. Right?

Wrong! This is wrong because we don’t understand what love really means.

Especially God’s kind of love. God’s love is extremely costly. It costs us everything. God’s love demands that we lay down our rights….and our defenses.

Tear down our walls…..and lay down our weapons.

It demands that we surrender our opinions of people.

  • Our assumptions.
  • Our prejudices.

Even the prejudices that we don’t even realize we have – but He wants to reveal to us.

All so that our hearts are pure so that His pure love can flow through us without becoming defiled by all of the baggage we’ve gathered throughout the years.

The baggage of our past: Past hurts and past failures.

Past offenses….and the reactions and responses we’ve taught ourselves in those situations.

I want to invite you to join me in learning how to love the church – our spiritual family – God’s way. With His perfect love – a love that only comes from Him.

A supernatural kind of love!

Starting Monday February 28.

We will begin a study of 1, 2, and 3 John and then move to 1 & 2 Peter. Let’s open our hearts and allow God to work in our lives: convict us, cleanse us, heal us, and set us free from anything that would stop the flow of His perfect love flowing in and through us!

And don’t forget to invite your friends to join us, too!!

Starting: February 28

Every Wednesday I will be posting a blog post right here.

Join our Facebook group for further discussion: Good Morning Girls in the Word.

Good Morning Girls offers the accountability we need to daily dig into God’s Word and grow in our walk with God.

Welcome! I am so glad you’re joining us!!!

Invite your friends because God’s Word always accomplishes the purposes of God: It saves, builds up, and heals.

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