Study the Book of Colossians With Me!

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Christianity is under threat as never before, not from forces outside the church, but from within.

The false doctrine of tolerance has so flooded the church, that we’ve accepted the idea of gay Christians.

In our recent battle against the trans agenda overtaking the church, we’ve simply accepted gays and lesbians as being born that way.

May Bible teachers that we’ve revered for years, celebrate gay and lesbian Christians who choose to remain celibate – because of the “enormous sacrifice they make”.

If you choose not to bow to this tolerance, you are legalistic.

You are intolerant.

You are labeled as judgey.

You are unChrist-like.

If you want to be a true Christian, you need to be willing to bow to this new doctrine that accepts that there are those born with gay and lesbian tendencies and feelings.

You need to not be so legalistic as to expect that Christians refuse to use profanity.

You need to not be so stiff in your belief that Christians are to abstain from sexual activity before marriage.

This is the gospel of today’s Christianity.

And those who push this gospel are modern-day Judaizers.

Paul battled against a false gospel of the Judaizers in his day who preached that in order to be fully saved, Gentile believers had to adopt Jewish customs and laws.

He fought for the purity of the gospel.

And so must we!

We cannot afford to allow a false gospel to overrun the true gospel of Jesus Christ!

There is a body of truth that is absolute and that clearly defines sin. That body of truth is the Scripture and it is for all times and culture.

David said in Psalm 119:89 “Forever, O Lord, Your Word is settled in heaven.”

This purity of the gospel is what Paul was arguing for in the book of Colossians.

Colossians is one of his three prison epistles, written to correct the flood of a false gospel threatening to overtake the Colossian church.

Would you study the book of Colossians with me?

September 9, 2024, we will begin a study through the book of Colossians.

You can order the journal here.

When: We will start on September 9, 2024

Where: You can join one of our private groups below:

or the email group by signing up below.

What Do I Need? Just grab the optional Colossians SOAK journal, your Bible, and a pen.

What can I expect? Both Courtney and I will be blogging through Colossians – each on our own blogs.

Each Monday, Courtney will provide resources on her Good Morning Girls blog

Each Wednesday, I’ll be blogging here about what I’m learning through what we’re reading and through the Colossians study

Each Friday, Courtney will be sharing a wrap-up of the study for that week.

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