While You’re Waiting on the Promise

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Are you waiting on a promise? Here are 3 things you can do while you're in a waiting season.

God made me a personal promise. He has confirmed it several times in my heart as well as in unusual and very specific ways through prophetic messages from others. He’s even told me “it won’t be long now.”

I know in my heart that this promise will come to pass because I believe what the scriptures say in Numbers 23:19: “God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?”

That said, I’m still waiting…and waiting can be uncomfortable and some days it’s just plain hard. Although God told me “it won’t be long now” I simply don’t know how long the wait will be.

Can you relate? Perhaps you’re in your own season of waiting to see a promise of God fulfilled. You may be in great expectation (at least on most days), and you may have even shared what you’re believing God for with a few others and they are praying and awaiting to see the promises of God unfold in your life as well. It could be a promise related to your health, your career or business, your children, your spouse (or desired future spouse), or something else entirely.

While you wait you have to figure out how to “navigate the in-between.” Here are some of the things that have been working for me and I pray that you find them useful for your own waiting season.

Keep an Expectant Heart and Spirit

If God said it He meant it, so keep your heart and mind in a place of expectation to see the promise. The truth is that God works outside of time and far as Heaven is concerned, the promise is already complete so expect to see the promise unfold at any time. Go ahead and praise Him in advance for what He has already done!  I once heard someone say “Until the door opens, praise Him in the hallway!” and I think that is important because there is breakthrough in our praise.

Another way to keep your heart expectant is to remind yourself of everything God has done for you (or even for others) in the past. He’s the same yesterday, today, and forever. His character never changes. 2 Corinthians 1:20 tells us that all of God’s promises in Him are YES, and in Him AMEN (meaning “so be it” or “so it is”), to the glory of God through us. His promise is always YES, and we can stand in faith on that word.  Even if people around you have stopped believing, never believed, or just think you’re nuts, keep believing. You and God make a majority every time.

Don’t Stop Everything Else

When you’re waiting for a promise, it is easy to allow it to consume your thoughts or keep you from moving forward on other things in your life.  If you find yourself stagnated, get moving again.  Stay engaged with your relationships with people as well as your work. Take care of yourself so that you can continue to pour into others. Keep dreaming big! Rest in confidence, knowing that God is at work and things are happening that you cannot see.

Stay Connected

This one cannot be emphasized enough. The joy of the Lord is our strength and that joy comes from abiding in Christ and being aware of God’s presence. Keep praying, worshipping, and seeking God for wisdom. James 1:5 tells us that God will provide us with wisdom when we ask and He’ll provide it generously and without finding fault in our asking.  When you’re in a waiting season, you need wisdom!  This is not the time to lean on your own understanding. Perhaps there is something that you need to do in order to prepare or position yourself to see the promise. Sometimes your only action is to believe. The only way to know for sure is to ask for wisdom.

Your circumstances may cause you to fear or to panic, but it’s in these moments that your ability to lean on the One who loves you the most makes all the difference in the world.

If you’re in a waiting season, I’d like to pray with you:

Father, thank you!  Thank you for your love and for caring about every single thing that concerns us. Thank you for your faithfulness to your word. Help us to keep our eyes focused not on the current circumstances, and not even on the outcome, but only on You!  You are our strength, our shelter, our healer, our refiner, our provider, our restorer, our everything!

We place our situations at the feet of Jesus and we will wait on your perfect timing because we know that it is through faith and patience that we will see your promise. Thank you for giving us the wisdom and the encouragement we need through your word and by your Spirit to successfully navigate the in-between. We know that you’ll work it all out for our good and your glory and for that we say Thank You and amen!

Keep the faith, my friends!

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One Comment

  1. I’ve been in God’s waiting room for 15 years now. And, I too wrote a blog about having a satisfied heart in the wait. It’s so important to be intentional in the wait. Thank you for encouraging so many of us! Joining you today from 100 Happy Days linkup!

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