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  1. I’ve been wondering how this applies to some Christian favorites such as Tolkien’s books and the Chronicles of Narnia? Some say that you don’t actually see them use spells etc in the Hobbit, for example, and so it’s mostly just fictional creatures even though they are called wizards and said to have and use magic. But it is only what you may call a fictional world where the characters have fictional talents…
    Then there are classic fairy tales etc.
    We are using a lot of classics in our homeschool curriculum and I’m going to have to make a decision on whether to include Tolkien and C. S. Lewis

    1. Such a good question. And one that I have grappled with myself. My concern with these classics that they could become gateways for my children to other books with outright sorcery, and I have finally decided not to use them in our homeschool. When my children grow older, if they decide to read them, that decision will be theirs, and by that time I pray a strong enough foundation will be laid that they will be able to wisely discern the voice of the Holy Spirit. But, for me, it’s a little too fine a line. I personally have never read either, and while I watched the first Chronicles of Narnia movie, it didn’t sit right with me for this very issue.

  2. Great article, Rosilind. I’m glad someone else sees this matter the same as me. I’m tired of Christians watching and/or reading these types of storylines and treating it like it’s no big deal.

  3. I was praying about my grandchildren, along these lines, this evening and wondered if you had written about this topic. Sooo thankful that you had, even though I’m seeing it now! God bless you in obeying His voice and sharing God’s ???? and thevtruth of His Word❣

    1. Thank you for sharing God’s broken heart over these dangerous yet slyful ways children and adults have been entertained. To lose His Presence over making excuses in order “to make someone happy” is most likely another piece of equipment in the devil’s playground!

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