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  1. Robyn S Loudin says:

    Thank-you, Rosilind, for addressing issues in the Body of Christ that may seem peripheral at first glance but are of great importance! I have a fire in my spirit to do same and address real and hard life challenges by applying the truth and grace of God’s Word.
    I tried to find the scripture verse reference above to glean understanding, and I kept reading beyond Romans 15:19, and I found it at Romans 16:19. Romans 16:17 goes hand in hand with verse 19. “Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which you have learned; avoid them…(19) “For your obedience is come abroad unto all men. I am glad therefore on your behalf: but yet I would have you wise unto that which is good, and simple concerning evil.”
    As I ask Jesus, by the power of Holy Spirit, to help me comprehend these verses, the highlighted parts for me, that bear witness to my soul personally, show me that to “mark” such ones who teach contrary to the truth of Jesus Christ is to identify, and to “avoid” means not to listen to or keep company with these ones. This would include watching on TV or on-line or reading their materials. Then, our firm foundation on Christ, abiding in Him, His light shed abroad in our hearts and active in us, indicates our “obedience” to Him. Then the wonder-working power of this obedience is thus shed abroad, from the witness of our lives individually and corporately, unto all people. Still yet, the apostle Paul admonishes to guard our hearts… choosing to be wise about and purpose to give ground to Jesus’ goodness and quick to discern evil with that simplicity of Christ we cannot have or know apart from deep, intimate fellowship with Him.
    Thanks for the topic! I am praying for the two men you mentioned who have entered the distant land of the enemy and become prodigal. May they not deceive “…by good works and fair speeches…” (Rom. 16:18) having been deceived themselves. I grieve with the same grief whereby they grieve the Holy Spirit. Would that they have not yet blasphemed Holy Spirit! The Father loves them so… we call them out of deception and the egregious counterfeit condition of their souls back into light and freedom in Christ. May they miss the atoning power of the Cross and Jesus’ anointing! In Jesus’ Name I pray to our heavenly Father. Amen

    1. This is so good!! We must have the discernment and the Word hidden in our heart so we receive the Word of truth from those who preach Jesus and Him crucified, and not another Christ. We also much be wise Bereans – not cynical and suspicious of everyone, but able to spot wrong doctrine and walk away from those who are false teachers and false prophets, while remaining open and grateful for those who are true shepherds of the flock.

  2. Although I do get where you are coming from because I’ve made these same arguments before.. The truth is you’re way off base here. And daying that people who leave the faith “didn’t have any real relationshipp/experience with Jesus ” is just an easy way to write off their experiences. It’s always the go to, not surprising anymore. I know you’re feeling like you’re speaking the truth in love, but this kind of thinking just makes things worse.

  3. I get where you’re coming from, but the majority of people I know who have left the faith did so because of their intense and dedicated bible reading. I’m sure these men didn’t walk away from their faith based on what some atheist said. Leaving your faith is extremely difficult and not an easy choice and I’m sure they would have preferred to never experience this. But sometimes, you spend years so deeply engrained in it that you wake up one day and start to question if you even actually believe this stuff..

  4. Rosalind, Croatia is a beautiful country. I am an American who is glad to see evangelicals sharing Christ over there.

    As for your article: I myself have been harmed tremendously by carnal, Christless intellectualism. First, in satanic humanistic propaganda from coldhearted atheists and even from some “Christian apologists” who treated me and others very badly, because they were puffed up with fleshly pride. Please pray for my spiritual healing from these poisonous indoctrinations. I still struggle with them and could use more grace and compassion in getting them uprooted from my mind. Me and my mother have gone back to church and are trying to stay active and involved in a living community of believers to help alleviate these problems in our daily lives, but the process to recover will take time. God bless you!

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